The Countdown continues...
The countdown continues as we approach the impending closure of our Town Hall site, the place where the Breakout journey began all the way back in 2014. Back then all we had was a directional pad lock and a dream (Getting paid to lock up the fine people of Manchester). As you can imagine, we have some pretty fantastical stories to tell, way too many to fit in this post!
Infiltrate alone has entertained ex prisoners, proposals and office parkour. Never the less, our teams have always been ready to rise to the challenge! Even some of the current England Football team have given it a crack- not to mention any names *cough* Rashford *cough*
In Virus and Sabotage, we've literally had some teams try to rip through the walls in order to get out, sometimes to escape the room...sometimes to escape each other.
Madchester was the first game that we made as a team, it quickly became the our most difficult room. Those up to the challenge danced their way through the to sounds of the city, and became a certified Gallagher in our eyes.
We can't help but take a stroll through memory lane as we come to our last 30 days on Brazennose street. Over the years things have definitely changed and so many amazing people have been involved in making Breakout the place that it is today! Including manager Kate giving birth to the first Baby Breakout in the Detective office...that was joke #AprilFools
Have no fear, exciting times are ahead, and the future is very bright at Breakout. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us since beginning and we look forward to locking you up in new and exciting ways- not as creepy as it sounds.